Saturday, July 15, 2006

Close That Sale. Close The Deal.

26 Sure-Fire Secrets For Getting Them to Buy You First, Then Your Product or Service
Persuade, Negotiate and Close That Deal: Tips to Use In Face to Face or Telephone
Quit being so modest, so polite or timid. "Business is War." Simply ask the customer for the sale. This is called the "Close."
Agreement Tip #1 - Telephone Appointments Gambit
Just need ten minutes of your time. I would like to tell you on the phone, but there is something I have to show you. Get the appointment.

Agreement Tip #2 - The Denial
Wait to ask for the sale until the end of presentation. "I am not going to try to sell you anything now."

Agreement Tip #3 - The Demonstration
Qualify in opening statement. "Are you in a position to make a decision today?"

Agreement Tip #4 - Punch Their Hot Button
Eighty percent of buying decisions rests on 20 percent of the product's features. Find out this hot button and punch it often.

Agreement Tip #5 - How Am I Doing?
"What do you think of this so far? Am I answering all your questions about this little beauty? No. Fine? I have some more features and benefits to show you."

Agreement Tip #6 - You're Going to Love This
Enthusiasm and excitement and the power of suggestion are contagious. So talk to the prospect as if he/she has bought product.

Agreement Tip #7 - Yes, Yes, YES!!
Get them in an agreeable mood. Ask them a series of questions to which the only answer can be yes. "Yes, yes, yes, yes," them into buying. The Encyclopedia Britannica sales pitch has 47 Yes Questions in it.

Agreement Tip #8 - The Invitation
Why not give it a try - why not take it? Would you like us to start on this right away? Why not take it with you? Or, we can deliver it.

Agreement Tip #9 - Price Is Not Important
Never open with price. Price should never come up until the end of the sales pitch. "Is price your only concern?"

Agreement Tip #10 - Just Suppose
"Just suppose that price were not an obstacle."

Agreement Tip #11 - Sudden Death
Give him or her a pen, and the order blank, then shut up.

Agreement Tip #12 - Such a Deal!
Close on the objection: "I can't afford it." Well, this is such a deal, I'll prove that it is worth the price. Then you can afford.

Agreement Tip # 13 - Instant Reverse
Prospect: "I can't afford it." You: "That is exactly why you should take it. Prospect: "I have never heard of you." You: "That is exactly why I am calling."

Agreement Tip #14 - Change Places
There is a key benefit and/or key obstacle that is holding them back. Change places with prospect. How far apart are we right now?

Agreement Tip #15 - Put it on Your Brooks Brothers Charge?
Presume they are going to say yes. "Do you want us to start service on the 15th or 16th? Or, "Will that be cash or charge? Or, "Put this on your Brooks Brothers charge?" Make it easy for customer to buy from you.

Agreement Tip #16 - Buyer's Choice
"Would you like the red or the blue?"

Agreement Tip #17 - You Can't Have It
"We only have one left." Or, "We are short on that particular item. Let me see if we have any left." Or, "You can't have it. There was only one left and it has been sold." Then you just happen to find one left that you overlooked.

Agreement Tip #18 - The Puppy Dog
Give the customer a sample of the product or service."Take the puppy dog home with you and bring it back later, no obligation."

Agreement Tip #19 - The Ben Franklin
On a piece of paper, write two columns in which you list the pros and cons of the product and the purchase. Fill out the pros column and the prospect fills out the con column. Fill out the pros first. When the prospect sees all the pros in writing, he/she will sign.

Agreement Tip #20 - The Summation
Summarize for the prospect all features and benefits of the product or service. Repeat any affirmative remarks prospect has made.

Agreement Tip #21 - The Order Sheet
Get out the order sheet when the prospect seems ready. If they give you the exact spelling of their last name, you have them.

Agreement Tip #22 - Feelings
"Why do you feel that way?" Then sit back and listen. The customer will give you every bit of information you need to sell him/her. SUCCESSFUL Professional sales people are master listeners.

Agreement Tip #23 - The Columbo
Go to the door knob and stop, but turn around with one last question. Just like Columbo on TV.

Agreement Tip #24 - Referral Close
Never leave any prospect without the names of at least three referrals. You get prospects from prospects. Experienced sales professionals tell us that 90 percent of business comes from referrals.

Agreement Tip #25 - Please Help Me Be Better
The "I've Failed You"
When you have an impossible prospect, throw yourself on their mercy and ask them to help you improve your sales technique so you won't be so worthless next time.

Agreement Tip #26 - The Shotgun
When convincing this bum is hopeless, not a chance in the world that you will sell this prospect, throw everything you have at him. Practice every sales pitch you can think of on this turkey. You have nothing to lose. So refine your technique.


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