Saturday, July 15, 2006


The very first rule about selling anything is you have to believe in what you are selling.
How many sales people do you meet and you know straight away that they don't believe in what they are selling because you can feel it when people are lying to you.
I have quite often got that feeling from used car sales people because they often know they are selling you something that you will be having trouble with later. Most of the time people sell cars because they are having trouble with them or they think they will start to have trouble with them soon.
People will know when you are genuine and will be able to feel your enthusiasm for the product.
Personally I would never ever sell something that I did not believe in.So you are going to sell a product that you believe in.
Next thing you need to do is your research. Do your "homework".
Find out as much as you can about the product and the sort of people you will be selling the product to.
If you are selling to a select clientel then you will need to understand them and be able to talk to them in their "language" using their terminology.
If you are going to be selling to a wide range of people then you will have to become adept in being able to pick people and then speak to them in their language. Being able to communicate on all levels is the key....
When you communicate to a person at their level they feel comfortable with you and will relaxe and lower their resistance to sales people.
If you talk to a person and use a lot of technical terms that are over their heads they will think you are trying to make them feel stupid and will resist what you are saying and think that you are lying to them.
Therefore its important to keep things simple...learn how to translate anything complicated into more simple terms..if the situation lends itself you can have paper and pen and you can draw things and write things down to explain it to people using visuals will help someone understand something a bit more complicated.
Research doesn't stop with just your product. You will need also to research all of your competition. You will have to understand them and their product so you can compare your product to theirs and explain to a person why they should buy your product instead of the competitors.
If it was a retail situation, I would personally be a shopper in the other stores and find out what their key selling points are and come up with counter selling points.


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