Monday, August 28, 2006

Power Questioning for Sales Professionals

Communication skills are the defining attribute of a top sales person. There are five parts to great communication skills. Listening, Questioning, Body Language, Speaking, and Interpreting. These are also components of Influencing Buyer Behavior which also happens to be a currently running public seminar where I will be speaking.
A friend owns an entertainment company, which specializes in corporate grand openings. She jokes that she is not the salesperson, and I have to agree. Because her business requires her to prospect new clients, she quite often asks for my help. The other day I was talking with her again about open-ended versus close-ended questions. She finally had an "Ah, ha!" experience with the difference between the two.
This difference between open and close ended questions may seem quite simple to many of you, but you may be surprised to find out how many in the sales profession still do not have a clear grasp of these basic questioning skills.
Open-Ended Questions
Open-ended questions often start with words such as:
tell me about,
share with me,
and how.
Open-ended questions should bring about descriptive answers from your prospect not a 'yes/no' answer.
Close-Ended Questions
Yes or no answers, or short non-expressive answers are the result of a Close-ended question which customarily begin with:


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Open-ended or Close-ended question are neither good nor bad; they each have their purpose.
Four Questioning Categories
For those of you who have attended my seminar, Nine Key Principles to Influencing Buyer Behavior - Unlock the More Powerful You, you have heard me break down Close and Open ended questions into four categories.
Open-Ended questions come in either Broad Scoped or Narrow Scoped and the Close-Ended category also offers two choices with first, Alternative Choice and second, Single Outcome.
Broad Scoped Open-Ended
Narrow Scoped Open-Ended
Alternative Choice Close-Ended
Single Outcome Close-Ended
Complete communication occurs when we use all four types of questions. For the purpose of this article, we will discuss open-ended questions which includes numbers one and two from the above list.
1. Broad Scoped Open-Ended (BSOE)
Broad Scoped Open-Ended are exactly what the name elicits, broad and open. Broad in the sense that they are not meant for finding specifics, and open in that they begin with an open-starter like, what, tell me about, and share with me.
BSOE Example:
Tell me about the products and services your organization sells?
What primary responsibilities do your marketing agents have?
Share with me the steps that are currently in place for order processing.
BSOE questions are usually non-intrusive and help you develop background information about your prospect; however, they have other uses. A BSOE question is great for seeing the futuristic views of your clients or prospects. For example:
How do you see this project moving from here?
What future goals do you have for your Human Resource team?
The basic principle to remember about developing BSOE questions is:
Open-End Starter + Need For Understanding + Who/What Is It Related = BSOE
Share with me + the steps that are currently in place + for order processing = BSOE
Remember, you are not asking for specifics at this point. You are attempting to create general dialogue with facts. Think about BSOE questions with relationship to a first date. Most people ask surface things like: Tell me about your family? How many brothers and sisters do you have? What kind of music do you like? It is a general overview of who somebody is and what he or she is all about.
In the next section, I'll discuss how to take the information you generate from these questions and masterfully create value for strategic selling situations.
2. Narrow Scoped Open-Ended (NSOE)
NSOE questions create meaningful specific answers. In other words, they are intended to delve deep into an idea. NSOE questions can be thought of as true probing questions.
Just like the BSOE, NSOE questions begin with:
Tell me about...
Share your ideas...
NSOE questions are best derived from the answers you receive from BSOE questions.
Let's take a look at an example of the play between BSOE and NSOE:
BSOE: What are you currently doing to provide cell phones for your sales employees?
Customer: Well, we don't have access for all of our staff.
NSOE: Tell me, what has kept you from implementing company wide?
Customer: The expense of the connections.
NSOE: Exactly how many do you have in place now?
Customer: About 75 percent currently have phones.
NSOE: How much are you spending per month for the connections?
Customer: Somewhere in the neighborhood of $2,000.
Notice in the above example how we started with a BSOE question related to internet connectivity, and then we dove head-first into more specific questions about this topic on a more in-depth level. The NSOE questions create specifics about a customer's situation and what if anything they are currently doing as a solution.
The basic principle to remember about NSOE questions and how develop them is:
Open End Starter + Meaningful Specific + What the Question is relating to = NSOE
How much + are you spending per month for your connections?
What should you take away from this section?
Spend the majority of your time asking NSOE questions. Keep your questions open-ended (not a question that gets a 'no/yes' answer) to give your customers more opportunity to talk. Remember, people like to talk about themselves and their situations. When attempting to fact-find, you must never limit yourself to a yes or no answer.
I recommend you try these questions on a friend or an associate in the next sales meeting as a role play.
Ask a BSOE question like 'What is your favorite sport?' or 'How many children do you have?' Then ask as many direct questions about the BSOE answer as you can. You'll be amazed how much you can find out about someone when you focus on one idea. NSOE questions may include: What do you like most about the sport? or What are your children's' names. How long have you been playing...? or How many boys and girls? You will be pleasantly surprised how many questions you can develop off of a single idea.
When performing this role-play. Make sure to pay attention to the development of your questions. The tendency for many people is to close off their questions. Closing off a question means you are limiting a response to a yes/no or either/or scenario.
Next Sales Executive News article, titled "Power Questioning for Sales Professionals, part II," will teach you how to utilize close-end questions effectively.

Good Luck & Good Selling
Let’s Make A Difference! Dennis R. Kyle, CEO

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Friday, August 25, 2006

Power Questioning for Sales Professionals, part II

Power Questioning for Sales Professionals, part II

3. Alternative Choice Close-Ended Questions
Alternative Choice Close-Ended (ACCE)
ACCE questions limit your chance of receiving a 'No' response. The best times to use ACCE questions are, setting appointments, asking for an order, pin pointing needs, and clarifying understanding.
You can probably tell, by the name, these questions begin with what is called 'close-end starters'.
Close-end starting words:
Take the close-end starter and couple it with an either/or scenario, this creates the alternative choice. You are asking someone to pick between two choices.
Let's take a look at some sample uses of ACCE questions:
Would you prefer to have it delivered on Monday or Thursday?
Is saving time or saving money most important to you?
So, did you want this project rolling by September or did you need to wait until the new year?
Let me make sure I understand you correctly. Did you want the 5,000 btu or the 2,500 btu system?
Do you need a two or three bedroom apartment?
Remember in the world of psychology, giving people a choice between something and nothing will almost always result in a choice of nothing. So you must always give two choices. Be weary of offering too many choices, because you can cause confusion in the mind of the buyer. Usually two or three choices are significant. Anything more than three will be over doing it.
4. Single Outcome Close-Ended (SOCE)
Single Outcome Close-Ended (SOCE) questions are overused in the wrong place more often than any other question. Too many sales people start conversations out with SOCE questions. Just as the name states, the SOCE question creates only one possible outcome.
In training salespeople, I hear sales professionals often asking prospects, "Would you be interested in. . .?" I know what my answer would be -- A quick "No." Or how about the infamous "Did you get the brochure I sent?" with a quick "no" from the prospect, recovery is difficult.
As with all close-end questions, they begin with a close-end starter.
The benefit to using SOCE questions is they are directive. When you are looking for a yes or no response, you will get it. SOCE questions are best used after rapport is built with a client. And when you know confidently that a 'no' answer will not harm your opportunity. They should be used the same way a doctor would use them, to diagnose a problem.
Example SOCE questions:
Do you use 4-color print in your brochures?
Are there other divisions who help fulfill the orders?
Do you expect a market shift in the use of PDA's with your clients?
SOCE questions also have 'closing the sale' benefits. Trial closing is a process that helps a salesperson find out where a prospect is in the commitment to buy. The goal of the questions is to receive a 'Yes' commitment and move forward the sale.
The easiest way to formulate a trail close question is an 'If/Then' scenario. For example, "If we can do this for you, then you'll do this for us?"
Example Trial SOCE question:
If we can ship 15,000 tons of iron to you by Tuesday, November 12, then you'll put your order in with me today?
Sales Success
How well you question determines your success in sales. Remember to keep your questions open-end, so you give the power of talking to your client.
The time to use close-end questions is when rapport has been built and you are diagnosing a situation.
I recommend before every meeting and telephone call you set an agenda. Decide what information you need to receive from the person you are meeting. If you get lost for open-end questions, try starting a question with 'Tell me about...' and follow it up with any pertinent idea related to the call.

Good Luck & Good Selling
Let’s Make A Difference! Dennis R. Kyle, CEO

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Reading Body Language

Body language is a fascinating skill. People rarely recognize how much information they give off and how noticeable it is to the human eye. Even to the untrained human eye.
I can remember coming home from school as a child after having a tough day and seeing my mother. Instantly she would look at me, and ask, "What is a matter?" I know for a fact the majority of the time, I would answer, “Nothing.” However, her keen exploration would soon make me realize that I had a negative attitude.
In sales, it is vitally important to read body language. There are four major areas of body language you need to observe.
Eye Contact and Brow Movement
Facial Gestures
Torso and Arm Behavior
Leg Activity
Eye Contact and Brow Movement
Let’s look at Eye Contact and Brow Movement closely. No pun intended of course. While in a seminar a few weeks ago, a participant asked me a question. After I answered her, I asked the clarifying question, “Does that answer your question?” She answered me with a stuttering “Yes,” however; as she answered me her brows were scrunched together demonstrating negative energy. She also glanced away several times rapidly. By noticing her gestures it was obvious she did not understand me.
Let’s take a look at positive and negative indicators:
Positive Behaviors
Direct Eye Contact – Interested, likes you
Smiling Eyes – Is comfortable
Relaxed Brow – Sign of Relaxation
Negative Behaviors
Limited or No Eye Contact – Lying, uninterested, too confined, uncomfortable, distracted
Tension in Brow – Confusion, tension, fear
There may be several reasons why someone is unable to hold eye contact. Now, I’m not talking about staring at someone either. Notice when you are interested how much eye contact you give and why you look away. It can simply be that you are distracted, for example a bird flies by and catches your eye. When people are not able to tell you their honest feelings they most often cannot hold eye contact.
Another reason for loosing someone’s eye contact is when you step into someone’s personal space (and each of us have a different size boundary); their natural sign is to look away. Check it out for yourself. Test some people (make sure you know them fairly well, you don’t want to get bopped on the head for invading personal space): walk toward your friend and see how close you can get before their eyes dart away. Also note that the same person has different boundaries for different people, thus the tighter your friendship usually the closer you are able to get.
You have it in you to recognize these signs easily. Focus your attention and see what other indicators you can come up with this week. I would enjoy hearing your results.
Facial Gestures
Facial Gestures are the second part of body language to read. The most important part of facial gestures is the mouth. Upward turns in the corner of the mouth are most often positive signs and downward turns or flat lines in the mouth demonstrate negative behavior. Observe the person’s lips to see if they are pressed together or relaxed and comfortable. Do they show signs of happiness or signs of discontentment? A person’s cheeks and dimple structure are also important to watch.
The most important thing to understand about reading facial behavior is that we all have the ability. Most people however never pay close attention to human tendencies and activities. Success in sales requires you to observe human behavior.
Arm and Torso Movements
The third important factor in reading human body language is monitoring arm and torso movements. Simple rule to remember is: “Closed-off posture usually means close-minded attitude and open posture means exactly what the name eludes, open or willing attitude.” I know you are thinking, “Okay, Mr. Genius now that you have told me the obvious what does that mean?”
Closed-Off Posture
Shoulders hunched forward – lacking interest or feeling inferior
Rigid Body Posture – anxious, uptight
Crossed arms – can be just cold or protecting the body from your discussion
Tapping Fingers – agitated, anxious, bored
Fidgeting with hands or objects (i.e., pen) – bored or has something to say
When these signs appear, don’t take judgment on yourself or them it’s simply time to take a break and see what that person is thinking.
Open Posture
Leaning forward – interested
Fingers Interlocked placed behind the head leaving elbows open and armpits exposed – very open to ideas, comfortable
Mirroring you – likes you and wants to be friendly
Still – more interested in what you are saying than anything
Reading body language is nothing more than paying attention to actions we see everyday and usually don’t process.
Leg Activity
The fourth factor to observe is leg activity. Again this is another area, which is relatively easy to observe once you know what to monitor. Usually negative behavior is observed through fidgety leg movements and uneasiness. There is no direct correlation between crossed and uncrossed legs. However, if you notice a person has their legs crossed and one of them is bouncing on the other it probably is anxiety.
Leg activity needs to be observed simultaneously with arm position. If you notice a person is bouncing their legs and their arms are crossed over or their torso is slumped over, the buyer most likely is closed-off.
Being successful in sales does not require a rocket science degree, not that it’s bad of course if you have one. Your success depends upon how well you can modify your personal behavior to adapt to situations. And check in with the individual, STOP talking, and ask them what they think.
If you notice a person is closed-down, you need to focus on one thing. What do you need to do to increase the person’s comfort zone?
The easiest way to increase a person’s comfort when they are closed-off is to first utilize mirroring.
Mirroring is a technique by which you observe a person’s behavior and then in a subtle way act the same way they are acting. If their arms are crossed over you should sit back relax a little, and then begin to cross your arms.
A psychologist from California University performed a study on mirroring. Two different teachers taught the students a process. One used mirroring; the other did not. It was overwhelming that the teacher using mirroring techniques was believed to be much more successful, friendly, and appealing by the students.
So as you look to the future it is going to require that you practice, practice, practice observing people. Remember, reading body language needs to be done carefully. Unlike verbal communication, body language can be rather abstract. However, it will lend itself to be a very good benchmark to human behavior and attitude.
You already have the intuitive skills to learn the art of reading body language. Now you must become more conscious of the subtle signs your prospects and clients give off.
When you notice positive body language, keep on track and move in the direction of closure. If negative vibrations are being sent to you, step back and redefine your objective internally and externally.
One of the best tips I have for you to help create more positive energy is to continually reiterate ideas and validate understanding. Simply review what you have discussed with your prospect already and validate it by asking clarifying questions.
For instance:
Seller: Mrs. Jones we have discussed a variety things related to project implementation and pricing structures. We will initiate the project on Dec. 1 and it will run for 16 consecutive weeks concluding on March 31. There are 7 consultants scheduled to be on the project alternating with three people available full-time. The estimated investment is $98,235.00. Does this make sense to you?
Buyer: Yes it does!
(Observe body language. Don’t just assume because the person said “yes” it means ‘yes’. You have to watch their eye contact, facial gestures for positive signs, torso and arms to make sure they are open, and finally if they have any noticeable fidgety behaviors in their legs or feet. If you determine quickly this is a sincere yes, offer an opportunity for questions. If there is any doubt in your mind address it now before moving forward. Let’s take a look at both ideas.)
Noticeable Doubt:
Seller: Mrs. Jones I notice there may be a few things your not clear on, what issues do I need to explain further?
(Believe me in most cases when you observe body language and observe it with true compassion and desire to understand, your intuition won’t serve you wrong. The client or prospect will have some issues, and they will appreciate you recognizing them. Learning how to define issues early on in a relationship forges a happy road to success. Once the person starts to open up to you with concerns, resolve those concerns immediately.)
Buyer: Well there is a few things regarding…
Seller: (answer all questions and clear up doubt).
Decisive Yes or After You Cleared Up
Seller: Mrs. Jones, I’d like to open this discussion to any questions you may have regarding the finalization of this project.
(It is vitally important to pause when you open the floor to the individual. Any more words out of your mouth will taint the discussion. The power of your questions is not only in the proper delivery of the question, but how well can you shut-up after you ask it.)
Body Language For Salespeople
As a sales professional reading body language can give you the edge you need to close the sale. Utilize body language signals given by your prospects to ask better questions. The stronger you are a reading body language and questioning skills the more sales you will win.

Dennis R. Kyle is a professional speaker, business & sales consultant and CEO of Positive Results. Kyle is the author of the Mastering Sales Skills series and The Art of Reading Buyer Behavior. If you find this article useful, you will enjoy, appreciate and learn from Dennis Kyle’s audio and videotapes. Dennis Kyle is known as the b2b Sales Expert. He consults, writes for a variety of publications and speaks on reading personality, telephone skills, sales, sales management and motivation topics for companies and associations. This article is from his monthly e-newsletter titled “Sales Executive News” available at

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